Thursday, 17 May 2012

Brow Lifts - Benefits Of Different Types Of Brow Lifts

Brow Lifts - Benefits of Different Types of Brow Lifts

As with any procedure, there are a few different ways to accomplish getting a brow lift. The options all have pros and cons and researching them will give you a good idea about the kinds of expectations you can have.

If you're interested in getting a brow lift, you should know there are several different options available as to how the procedure will be done. Depending on the results you want, it is good to know what your options are so that you can ask the right questions of your doctor.

There are three basic types of brow lifts, and they are different in method, procedure and in affected regions. The first is the endoscopic brow lift. This involves making four to six incisions just behind the hairline and inserting an endoscope, or minuscule camera which allows him or her to see underneath the skin without making a large incision in your forehead. This type of procedure allows for vertical scowl lines to be removed, but does not have the best affect on horizontal lines. Also, excess skin on the scalp is not removed but is shifted.

Another type is called the coronal forehead lift. This is the most commonly done procedure, as it allows the most access and can provide excellent results. Your doctor will make an incision from ear to ear, across your head and will then use his or her tools to get rid of the wrinkles in your forehead. After that, a 1-2 centimeter strip (usually) will be removed and pulled upward. This makes the results very lasting, meaning you probably won't ever have to go back and get any fixes done.

The benefit of this type of procedure is that it is very reliable and gives consistent results. A negative would be for anyone with an already high hairline or with a receding hairline. This process raises the hairline a little bit.

A third type of brow surgery is called the subcutaneous lift. It is not too commonly performed because it can leave a pretty visible scar. This is done in a very similar way to the coronal lift because one large incision is made and many of the same things are accomplished. The difference is in the end of the surgery. In this method, the doctor will pull up the skin but will reattach it at your hairline, thus leaving it in its original place. While this can be appealing, again it can leave an unsightly scar.

Whichever method you think is best for you, it is important that you have a licensed and trained doctor. He or she will guide you through your options in your initial consultation and will help you make the best decision for your body. You're just a few steps away from having your youthful appearance back.

1 comment:

  1. There might be some lifestyle adjustments you have to make before you can have a Brow lift. Your surgeon should give you detailed instructions about what you need to do and when you need to do it.
