Monday 27 January 2014

Five Outrageous Lies We Believe About Plastic Surgery

Five Outrageous Lies We Believe About Plastic Surgery


A subject as controversial as plastic surgery is bound to have a lot of misconceptions and false truths about it. And indeed it does: because not many of us have ever actually had plastic surgery, it?s easier for myths about it to spread. But what about the myths that people actually believe? Thanks to plastic surgery being such a controversial topic, the most outrageous myths are often believed and passed on until they?re considered fact by many people. Here?s five of the most common:

5. Plastic surgery has no risks

We don?t think of plastic surgery as involving an operation. But it?s right there in the name: plastic surgery. And of course, with every operation comes a certain level of risk (read about the most common risks here). Naturally it?s different with every operation ? some are low risk, some are high risk ? but it?s unwise for us to ignore the risks that plastic surgery, if performed by an inexperienced or sloppy surgeon, can pose.

Do you believe getting plastic surgery just to look better is a good or bad thing?

4. It?s all surgical

Right on the heels of many of us forgetting that plastic surgery involves operations comes the other side of the coin: it doesn?t always have to be actual surgery. Many non surgical operations are included under the umbrella term of ?plastic surgery?, such as botox, vampire therapy and laser hair removal.

3. Plastic surgery will make you look like a totally different person

When we look at the celebrity horror stories about plastic surgery gone badly wrong, we recoil in shock: that actress isn?t even recognizable as her old self! But plastic surgery, when performed by a surgeon you can trust, doesn?t aim to make you look like somebody else ? most patients want to look like an improved version of themselves.

2. Plastic surgery is only for women

It?s certainly true that it?s more common for women to have a plastic surgery procedure done ? but that doesn?t mean that men can?t or don?t. Indeed, plastic surgery is actually growing in popularity amongst men, with procedures such as ear pin-backs and nose enhancements rising in the estimation of many men every day.

1. Only vain people get plastic surgery

Why do we think we can tell people what to do with their own appearance? Not only do people often get plastic surgery for medical reasons (such as skin grafts for burn victims, or breast reductions for women with severe back pain), why do we call those people who simply want to like how they look ?vain?? Most of us would surely agree that liking your own appearance is a thing to strive for ? and sometimes plastic surgery offers a way for people to achieve that goal.

Can You Really Be Addicted To Cosmetic Surgery?

Can You Really Be Addicted To Cosmetic Surgery?

Ben Shaffer

The unfortunate truth is that there are hundreds of people all across the world who end up addicted to cosmetic surgery and various short procedures having to do with their appearance. The addictions will range from slight to severe, however they do still exist. In order to see some of the cosmetic surgery addictions, you do not have to look far. You can simply look at some of the celebrities in American culture to see just how ridiculous their taste for beauty can be. In addition to that, there are even a number of horror stories that will be shown on television of people who are going in for procedure after procedure, leaving their bodies as well as their faces with unreal effects.

Michael Jackson is always the butt of many jokes to come out of the gossip rags as well as the news media. One of the things that he happens to be known for is his thirst for plastic surgery. You can see how over the years he has literally transformed into a completely different person. While nobody can really tell how many cosmetic procedures he has had besides Jackson himself, many experts will say that it seems to range anywhere from forty to fifty procedures or more. Obvious side effects from this amount of surgery will include loss of facial structure, plastic-like features and of course weak cartilage in the nose and overworked skin on the face.

Parents of young girls who are looking to have certain kinds of plastic or cosmetic surgery performed are encouraged to help teach them the difference between necessity and want. After all, an addiction can only get worse over time when it starts at a younger age. By teaching them to love themselves, perhaps with the occasional slight procedure while being monitored by certified cosmetic surgeons, they will have less of a chance of becoming addicted to the lifestyle that can lead to so many issues down the road.

Plastic and cosmetic surgery, when done in moderation can be quite a self-esteem booster.

Ranges Of Cosmetic Surgery Costs

Ranges of Cosmetic Surgery Costs

Cosmetic surgery costs for a complete facelift can the highest, although there is a new procedure called a lower body lift which is priced even higher than a facelift. The cost for breast reduction or augmentation surgery is also quite high. When looking at prices, be sure to ask for the costs of the procedures as well as for the anesthesia that is required.

Cosmetic surgery costs for a new nose, because of its complexity, is also quite high. The cosmetic surgery costs for a less-complex procedure, such as an eyelift, are more reasonable simply because this surgery is less involved than other procedures.

Cosmetic Surgery Costs for Qualified Surgeons

It's a fact that some surgeons are more skilled than others. Those with board certification can set higher fees for their services. A new trend has arisen recently where people are traveling to a foreign country because the cosmetic surgery costs are less. The danger, however, is that the surgeons may not be highly qualified. This could be risky for it's not as easy to learn the facts about the qualifications of the surgeons there.

People travel to Thailand, India and other countries because of the savings in fees. Each person should be cautious, since these surgeons may not have the skills of the surgeons in the United States.

Some plastic surgeons living in foreign countries may possibly have been trained in the United States so their qualifications are similar to surgeons practicing in the states. On the other hand some of these surgeons may have been trained in other countries where the standards are not as stringent as they are in the United States. Only you can make the decision if saving on cosmetic surgery costs is worth having a plastic surgeon who was trained in a foreign university.

Cosmetic Surgery costs may be lower in a foreign country, but if there are problems with the surgery, then the subsequent corrective surgery would increase the costs substantially. That is no savings.

Friday 24 January 2014

5 Reasons Why People Get Cosmetic Surgery

5 Reasons Why People Get Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is very common these day, it is no longer only accessible to rich and famous. Any person in the world can have the procedure the want done, most people think cosmetic surgery is unsafe but it is only unsafe if your surgeon is not qualified.

Here are the 5 top reasons why most people get cosmetic surgery.

1. Health Reasons.

Some people may have gone through rough times caused by sickness or massive weight loss, so it's only natural for people to correct the damage caused by their illness. People may want to fix a problem that maybe causing health issues and surgery is the only option available, some people need surgery to survive.

2. Accidents.

Another reason why people get cosmetic surgery is because they have been in a accident. Minor car crashes, sports, work accident anything you can think of. Because of accidents people can become severely deformed and cosmetic/plastic surgery is the only option to help fix peoples injuries.

3. Self Esteem.

Some people choose to get cosmetic surgery to boost their self esteem. They need a boost and they think cosmetic surgery will give them that. In my opinion it does, people are extremely grateful to see the new changes to there bodies that they have always wanted.

4. Re constructive Surgery.

Re constructive procedures correct deformities on the face or body. These include physical birth defects like cleft lips and palates and ear deformities, traumatic injuries like those from dog bites or burns, or the aftermath of disease treatments like rebuilding a females breast after they have undergone surgery for breast cancer.

5. Vanity

Some people say vanity is the reason why people get cosmetic surgery, in some cases it is the case. Botox, Face lifts, Breast Augmentation can all be considered vanity procedures. But it is a choice and people choose to have these procedures performed and if it contributes to there self esteem who are we to judge.

Facial Plastic Surgery To Improve Skin Tone And Features

Facial Plastic Surgery to Improve Skin Tone and Features

What is the one thing that you look at multiple times a day almost without fail? Yes, that's right: your face. This is the one body part that can say so much about yourself, your mood, and is the biggest presentation you make about yourself to the world. Sometimes, nature and time can reduce the appearance you once had, but thanks to modern technology, you can help restore your appearance's luster and feel confident in your looks again.

There are myriad options that individuals can choose from when it comes to facial plastic surgery and enhancements, including, but not limited to, face lifts (rhytidecotmy), cheek lifts (cheek implants or buccal fat pad removals), and forehead lifts. Depending on what you feel that your face needs improvement on, there is a standard procedure to enhance the aesthetic feature.

Some individuals receive one or more of the available surgeries because they wish to restore their youthful appearance or just want to look younger in general. Other people enlist one in facial rejuvenation because they want to increase the symmetry of their features. And some men and women simply want to alter their guise, as they want a change in how they present their form. No matter the desire, there is a beautification process for it.

If you enlist the services of a professional, certified plastic surgeon, you are most likely to receive top-notch results for contouring. Now more than ever, aesthetic techniques are becoming commonplace with outstanding results that result in minimal soreness and little to (almost) no scaring. Most people who look carefully at a patient--after enough time has passed for the skin to heal--will not be able to detect any incisions, resulting in a natural-looking finish.

Before you fully decide on a particular facial surgery approach, it is highly recommended that you consult with a surgeon or two in order to receive the information, instruction, and risks that could be involved. Most reputable doctors offer free in-house consultations so that they may get to know you, examine the areas where you feel improvement is needed, and to offer advice or recommendations. Not all surgeons are equal, and it is imperative that you feel comfortable with and trust your doctor to perform your aesthetic operation.

So if you feel that your visage could use a little tweak here and one less wrinkle there, there are plenty of qualified plastic surgery clinics available to get you started.

The Conducing Skin Peel Cosmetic Surgery Treatment:

The conducing Skin Peel Cosmetic Surgery Treatment:


The UK Cosmetic Surgery discourse of the skin:

There are a lot of Cosmetic Surgery processes, all planned to serve amend a different orbits of the body. UK Cosmetic Surgery commonest treatments for the torso let in bosom surgery, liposuction and Abdominoplasty. Cosmetic Surgery UKis illustrious for the manner that it can yyyen the visual aspect of the face, both as an anti-aging method and as an agency to deal matters mass might bear with the manner they appear. A lot of diseases of the skin as felt by Cosmetic Surgery UK are connected with an exuberant ramp up of deadened skin cells, which cause the skin dense and boring, generally choking off the pores. Skin peels as extended by UK Cosmetic Surgery could extend a radical method to efficaciously address old skin, acne, cut down sun harm and over- pigmentation. This process could as well facilitate the skin to look finer, fitter, chubbier and tighter.

The treatment helps to get rid of blemishes:

This conducing skin peel discourse of UK Cosmetic Surgery assists to eliminate spots, acne marks, crinkles, mismatched pigmentation and sun harm. The effectual dis- operative process betters the visual aspect and wellness of your peel. Applying a low density of chemical trichlororoacetic acid (TCA) blended with a particular blue base the Obagi Blue Peel permits the physician to determine the profoundness of the skin and get rid of surface beds of elderly and tainted peel. These deadened cells are substituted by fitter ones, admitting the peel's personal clearness and closeness to resurface. The process is executed by a doctor of Cosmetic Surgery, who has particularized education and feels with this extremely efficacious skin.

The treatment is pain-free:

UK Cosmetic Surgery?s Agera bark peels are dis- glycolic and so they don't call for pre prepping of the bark. The skin peels are unpainful, non-irritating and does not induce your bark to tear up or inflammation. Cosmetic Surgery skin peels are specific as they act deeply inside the peel to energize the output of collagen and elastin and promote cell replenishment.

The treatment path:

Your peel in Cosmetic Surgery UK is soundly dampened with a gentle cleansing agent; a prepping solvent is then put on to the skin. The peel is used equally to the peel by your Cosmetic Surgery Nurse. As the skin dries out, the peel is maintained comforted with a fan, a second bed perhaps be put on at this degree. Then, a level of moisture gauze is laid over the skin and the peel is actuated by the coating of cool water. The netting is moved out and the proper serum/retrieval ointment is put on to you skin. The discourse of Cosmetic Surgery calls for half-hour and forty-five minutes of time.

Monday 20 January 2014

Plastic Surgery: Trivia You May Not Know

Plastic Surgery: Trivia You May Not Know

You would have to be blind and deaf not to know the impact plastic surgery has had on our society. Whatever the cultural reasons for it, there's no denying that going under the knife is more popular than ever before and the techniques and possibilities are being enhanced faster than a stripper's bustline. You may think you know everything you want to know about this world of slicing, suctioning, and augmentation, but here are some facts you probably never even thought about.

Ask the average person what the plastic surgery capital of the world is, and they will likely tell you the United States. In truth, the good ol' U.S.A. isn't even close to the top of the charts. Switzerland, with over 200 surgeries for every 100,000 people in the country tops the list at number one. Rounding out the top five are Cyprus, Spain, Lebanon, and Greece. Surprisingly, the U.S. doesn't make an appearance until number 19. You can pull out that fact the next time you are listening to someone wax on and on about how appearance obsessed the Americans are.

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular forms of plastic surgery around the world. Along with liposuction, rhinoplasty, and blepharoplasty, they make up the top four when it comes to the procedures people want to have. But the world of enhancement doesn't stop with the common procedures everyone knows about. Did you know there is an operation that can change the sound of your voice. Called a voice lift, it involves taking fat from an animal or a synthetic implant and placing it in the vocal cords to give the voice a more youthful sound. And you thought Auto Tune was the only thing erasing the need for talent in the music industry!

You might think plastic surgery is something you get done once and then never again. In fact, it is much the opposite. A study done recently showed that over two thirds of patients are actually repeat customers. Once they've gotten over the nervousness of the first time, many patients find they are so satisfied with the results they want to see what else might enhance their appearance. Some come back years later to get a touch up on a previously performed operation.

Recently, some doctors have even begun performing plastic surgery procedures on animals, though they are usually not for cosmetic reasons, but for medically necessary ones. Still, if you see a dog that has a bit more sway in her step than you might expect, you might just ask who her doctor is.